About & Features
- Search and play your local music library.
- Listen to internet radio from Spotify, Grooveshark, SomaFM, Magnatune, Jamendo, SKY.fm, Digitally Imported, JAZZRADIO.com, Soundcloud, Icecast e Subsonic servers.
- Search and play songs you've uploaded to Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, e OneDrive
- Create smart playlists and dynamic playlists.
- Tabbed playlists, import and export M3U, XSPF, PLS and ASX.
- Compatibilidade con CUE sheet
- Play audio CDs.
- Visualisations from projectM.
- Letras e biografías de artistas e fotos.
- Transcode music into MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC or AAC.
- Edit tags on MP3 and OGG files, organise your music.
- Obter etiquetas faltantes dende MusicBrainz.
- Discover and download Podcasts.
- Download missing album cover art from Last.fm and Amazon.
- Cross-platform - works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
- Native desktop notifications on Linux (libnotify) and Mac OS X (Growl).
- Control remoto usando un dispositivo Android, un Wii Remote, MPRIS or the command-line.
- Copiar música no teu iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player.
- Xestor de cola.
Clementine é un moderno reprodutor de música e organizador de colección
Clementine é un moderno reprodutor de música. Está inspiarado por Amarok 1.4, focusing on a fast and easy-to-use interface for searching and playing your music.
Clementine Remote
Control Clementine remotely from your Android phoneCapturas de pantalla
Playlist tab, while listening to songs from multiples Internet services |
Integración con Subsonic |
Browsing playlist from the Android app |
Controlling playback from the Android app |
Version 1.3.1 released - Martes 19 Abril 2016
Fixes a bug where ratings are deleted when upgrading from older versions.
Version 1.3 released - Venres 15 Abril 2016
This release is compatible with the Clementine Remote application for Android which lets you control Clementine remotely from an Android device.
This release also adds support for accessing your music in Vk.com and Seafile.See the full changelog for more information.
Version 1.2 publicada - Domingo 13 Outubro 2013
This release is compatible with the Clementine Remote application for Android which lets you control Clementine remotely from an Android device.
This release also adds support for Subsonic. And you can now listen to your music stored in Box, Dropbox, Skydrive and Ubuntu One. Last major new feature is the ability to "star" your playlists, so you can safely close them and restore them later from the new "Playlist" tab we've added in the left sidebar.
See the full changelog for more information.
Version 1.1 publicada - Xoves 25 Outubro 2012
This release adds long-awaited Podcast support including integration and synchronisation with gpodder.net. Music from Soundcloud and jazzradio.com is available in the Internet tab in the sidebar, as well as any songs you've uploaded to Google Drive. Clementine will also now show moodbars for the music you play from your local disc. See the full changelog for more information.
Versión 1.0 publicada - Martes 27 Decembro 2011
This release adds Spotify, Grooveshark and SKY.fm/Digitally Imported support. We've also added a Global Search feature that allows you to easily find music that's either in your library or on the Internet. Other features include audio CD support, more transcoder options, an improved settings dialog, smarter album cover searches, and loads of bug fixes. See the full changelog for more information.
Versión 0.7 publicada - Domingo 27 Marzo 2011
In this release Clementine gains a brand new edit tag dialog with autocompletion and the ability to automatically identify music and fetch missing tags from MusicBrainz. CUE sheets are now supported - they are detected automatically when scanning your library and each track will show up separately. We've made a load of smaller improvements as well such as showing album covers in the Library tab, greying out deleted songs, a "Show in file browser" option, support for network proxies, a "Full library rescan" option, and a new tooltip for the track slider that helps you seek more accurately to a specific place in a song. See the full changelog for more information.
Versión 0.6 publicada - Sábado 11 Decembro 2010
This release features two new information panes that show lyrics, song statistics, artist biographies, photos and lists of tags and similar artists. We've redesigned the sidebar (although you can switch back by right clicking on it), and also added ratings, play counts and skip counts. You can create smart and dynamic playlists from songs in your library, and also now listen to music from Jamendo and Icecast radio stations. See the full changelog for more information.
Versión 0.5 publicada - Sábado 18 Setembro 2010
This release adds support for using portable devices with Clementine. You can now copy songs to your iPod, iPhone, MTP, or USB mass storage device. See the wiki for more information. Support for using a Wii Remote as a remote control has been added. Other features include a Queue Manager, an Organise Files dialog, automatically stretching columns in the playlist, loading embedded id3v2 cover art, more library scanning options, drag and drop between playlists, and a hypnotoad. We've also reduced startup time by more than half, fixed a load of memory leaks and reduced CPU usage while playing music. See the full changelog for more information.
Versión 0.4 publicada - Martes 29 Xuño 2010
Esta versión incorpora listas de reprodución por pestanas, búsqueda na lista de reprodución, integración con Magnature, normalización de ganancia con ReplayGain e transcodificación de música. Ademais, corrixíronse moitos erros. Agora a búsqueda en coleccións musicais grandes é máis rápida, a reprodución é máis eficiente baixo Windows, os problemas de codificación de carácteres foron corrixidos, e as listas de reprodución remotas deberían sempre cargarse correctamente.
Versión 0.3 publicada - Sábado 08 Maio 2010
Nesta versión cambiamos GStreamer en todas as plataformas, o que significa que o analizador e o fundido entre cancións agora funcionarán en Windows. As novas características inclúen un ecualizador, máis opcións de agrupado de biblioteca, un OSD mellorado, control remoto dende liña de comandos e editado de etiquetas máis doado.
Versión 0.2 publicada - Martes 23 Marzo 2010
Pasou só un mes dende que lanzamos a primeira versión de Clementine. Esta nova versión ten portadas de álbum, mellor detección de «Varios artistas», soporte para carga de listas de reprodución, e moito máis.