Versioon 1.2
Playlist tab, while listening to songs from multiples Internet services |
Subsonic integration |
Browsing playlist from the Android app |
Controlling playback from the Android app |
Versioon 1.1
Podcastid |
Google Drive |
New global search interface |
Moodbars |
Versioon 1.0
Transcoding settings |
Global search finding albums on Spotify |
Üdised tsimise valikud |
Grooveshark integration |
Versioon 0.7
Lyrics and track slider tooltip |
MusicBrainz fixing untagged files |
New tag editor with autocompletion |
Track slider tooltip on Mac OS X |
Versioon 0.6
Artist photos and biographies |
Laulusõnad |
Icecast radio stations |
Nutikad esitusnimekirjad ja kiisud |
Versioon 0.5
Järjekorra haldur Windows 7 peal |
Muusika kopeerimine iPodi Ubuntus |
Clementine 0.5 on Ubu...ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD |
Clementine 0.5 Mac OS X peal |
Versioon 0.4
Clementine 0.4 Ubuntul |
Clementine 0.4 Windows 7 peal |
Clementine 0.4 visualisations with projectM |
Clementine 0.4 Mac OS X peal |
Versioon 0.2 tag radio |
Kogust otsimine |
The tag editor on Windows |
The cover manager on Mac OS X |
Versioon 0.1
Esitamine Linuxil | tugi |
The tag editor on Windows |
Growl notifications on Mac OS X |